Tuesday, January 6, 2015

how to beat a cold

Colds are the worst and I get them all the damn time no matter how much Vitamin C/D/B/Q I take.  If you're not as delicate a flower as me maybe you can just supplement your Vitamins D and C and take some Zinc at the onset and you'll be good.  But if you're like me here is how I battle the demon:

1. When you start getting symptoms THAT is when you have to go full force.  This is a war and you have to catch the germs unaware.
2. Wellness formula is great.  It also is somewhat disgusting because they're big horse pills and they smell like garlic, but shit works.  Depending on if you're taking the pills or capsules you either take 3 or 6 2x a day when you're getting sick.  Whole Foods and any health food store will sell them.  It's a blend of Echinacea, Olive Leaf, Garlic, Zinc, and other goodies that boost your immune system.  I suggest not taking it on an empty stomach if Zinc makes you queasy.
3. Oregano oil- a natural antibiotic, I recommend getting the gel caps because the taste and burn of the liquid are fierce, but this works and you can buy it any health food type place.
4. Vitamin C. My favorite is Lypospheric C, which doesn't have the garbage that's in Emergen-C.  I personally like the flavor, you just put it in a bit of water, and it supposedly is a more bioavailable form of Vitamin C and more of it is absorbed than water-soluble vitamins.  IDK science but it feels like it's doing good things.

5. Baths with epsom salts and other good shit.  I love to have a good bath and sweat stuff out (as you all know), and as an added bonus you can pick some salts with Eucalyptus oil to clear stuff up, and even rub on some Vicks or the all-natural version, Hope Gillerman's Chest Remedy oil.  You can also put that on your footsies and cover them with socks to open stuff up. Sup.

6. If all else fails and you need 'real' medicine.  Lemsip- which is only sold in the UK because of Parametacol which may or may not kill you- cures body aches, clears you up, and makes you feel like a temporary rockstar. If you must go to work and spread your germs it's the way to do it.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Namaste bitches

It's 2015.  Resolutions are a bit yawn especially if they have to do with diet/ exercise/ losing weight/ being the sexiest you ever. BUT. It is a nice kind of new beginning and way to reevaluate things.  So here's what I'm thinking about doing for the new year. Real casual like, but some things to spice up my life.

1) Find a fun exercise I like to do.  This isn't like get in the best shape of my life or run a marathon, yo! More like try out some things that have always seemed interesting like gyrotonics or a barre class and see if I'm into them.
2) This might be a Southern girl thing or just me becoming a semi-adult, but I'd like to start looking more like my best when I leave the house. I just feel like it's not flattering to look like a hungover college kid going to brunch in the dining hall when I go to work even if it is a chill environment.  Also I want my life to be a romcom where I could have a meet cute in the grocery store, which is fairly unlikely if I look like garbage.
3) Express my creative side.  I'm taking a writing class to see how that is, and even realizing that I still know how to knit over the weekend was a fun thing.
4) Decorate my apartment.  I moved nearly 3 months ago, and while to an outsider it might look ready there's so much more to do to it, and I'm excited that I'm alone and can make it look exactly how I want and just nest and make my own decisions.
5) Breathe, relax, and chill out on myself.  My ambition and expectations are high for myself, which isn't exactly a bad thing but can make life tougher than it needs to be.  If I don't know exactly where my life is going for a month or two that's ok, plans derail and it might not be so bad to go along for the ride for a little while.
6) Figure out things I enjoy- like being in nature, at the beach, and having friends over- and people I actually enjoy spending time with, and focus on them.  I spend a lot of free time too focused on my to-do list and sometimes get lazy and end up spending time with people who are proactive about planning even if I don't get a lot of joy spending time with them.  Weekends should be fun and filled with people I love being around.
7) Cook more.  Like 1x a week, which would be more than now.  Cooking is healthier and cheaper than eating out, and I know exactly what's in it.  Plus, I'm actually a halfway decent cook when I make the effort. My friend reminded me that my turkey chili is on point.

So OK my resolutions aren't like move to Bali and meditate or skydive, but I feel like I can actually do these things and they will make my life more dope. What are yours?